Friday, April 16, 2010


Confession: Since I've moved into my new house, I have never completely unpacked.  Ooch.  It's  been almost 11 months and I still am in possession of at least six completely untouched moving boxes located at the back of closet.  This past weekend I unpacked box number one out of six and found a huge portion on my costume jewelry collection.  It was exhilarating realizing how much shiny stuff I had.  Each piece reminds me of a person, place, or event, which makes it uncomprehending that I could have gone so long without missing the collection.  My favorite and expensive jewelry was unpacked and I was very conscious of their whereabouts for obvious reasons, but overlooking my other pieces was quite alarming since there were a lot of them and most were very valuable to me.  But I can now put my shame aside and share that my jewelry is neatly hung on an adorable vintage rack I bought last weekend.  Toché.

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