Sunday, May 16, 2010


Abstract art confuses me!  I feel stupid when looking at it, because there is usually some art-genius luring next to me explaining their 'theory behind the harsh brush alignment'.  Meanwhile I'm staring at the artwork and mentally picturing a skirt in my metal wardrobe that reminds me of a color of a dot on that painting.  BREATHE.  So when I noticed the particular trend of 'Abstract' in designer collections this seasons, it's easy to see why I immediately ran towards my safety zone - the cosmetic counters.  However, I was recently reminded that just because I can't comprehend something, doesn't mean  I should be afraid of it, or even dislike it.  I don't understand Greek, and I still think it's a beautiful language.  I don't understand Guitar Hero, but I still like it.  So I have succumb to my fears of abstract art and embraced it fully.  In fact, it's nice to know I have sophisticated art in my closet now.

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