Monday, March 22, 2010

Earth Day

Jealous much?  I'm sitting in my back yard with my laptop, dog, and diet coke.  The past week has been  divine and been filled with cloud watching and cycling outside.  Which brings me back to the purpose of this article - Earth Day!  The aim?  To promote the urgency in which we need to save our planet.  As a very green-conscious person, I will naturally be participating today, and am starting with you.  To be as green (and cool) as a cucumber, you need to first identify how you can change.  Start with little things, like turning off any electronics when leaving a room.  With technology these days, it will only take an extra 30 seconds of your life to turn them back on.  At first, you may not think of these things are making a difference, but little things add up towards a greater cause.  My goals this year are to stop using bottled water, reduce my time in the shower, and buy environmentally friendly clothes and makeup.  If you are finding it hard to get inspired, go out side to reconnect with your inner nature-girl.  She's in there somewhere, it might just take a beautiful day like this to emerge her.  Save the planet!

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